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Pupil Premium Funding

Pupil Premium Grant


Scartho Junior Academy receives additional funding, Pupil Premium, to support specific children who are vulnerable to possible underachievement, including pupils who have been eligible for free school meals within the past 6 years,those looked after by the local authority and children of armed service personnel.


Scartho Junior Academy will focus the Pupil Premium funding to enhance learning and give targeted support to boost achievement and attainment. The academy receives £1,455 for each eligible pupil, £2.530 for pupils that have left Local Authority care and £335 for Service Children.



The range of provision (has included and ) includes:

  • Bespoke reading training for all staff.
  • One to one/small group teaching to provide targeted support.
  • Mentor groups to support vulnerable pupils with social and emotional needs.
  • Specific small group and individual work with teaching assistants under the direction of the class teacher.
  • Subsidised educational trips and residential visits
  • Assisted places at after school clubs and enrichment activities.
  • Access to lunchtime clubs such as creativity, construction, netball
  • Planned release time for staff to undertake termly personalised learning/pupil progress meetings with pupils from years 3-6.
  • Professional intervention and monitoring from the Educational Psychologist and Team @ Work.
  • Improvements to learning environments including new learning spaces
  • REAL projects – training and support to ensure that all pupils (specifically PPG) are able to access and engage with the curriculum.
  • Developing children’s understanding of healthy lifestyles including diet and cooking.
  • Close monitoring of disadvantaged children.



Additional Planned Provision:

  • Maths intervention and support, including resources.
  • Social and emotional support, coaching and mentoring.
  • Personalised support for individual pupils and their families.


PPG review 2020-2021

Pupil Premium Grant - 3year overview
