Performance Management of the Principal
The performance management of the Principal is key to the delivery of great leadership and and management at our school and trust. As part of this process, the trust focuses on how the Principal is delivering our trust's vision and strategy. It is also a way that the the trust holds the Principal to account for the performance of the school.
In order to support the trustees, and to provide an impartial expertise, the trust commissions an external reviewer to manage the annual performance of the Principal. This process is delegated to the Principal's Performance Management sub committee. There are three trustees that sit on this committee and are responsible for setting the Principal's objectives, in conjunction with the external reviewer. This committee meets twice a year with the Principal taking part in a mid year review with the external reviewer.
Performance Management of Staff
The performance management of staff is delegated by the trustees to the Principal. The Principal manages this process within the school. Individuals' targets are set by the end of October and then there are termly reviews of the targets set. At the end of the school year, there takes place a strategic review with each member of staff. As part of this review, the Principal will agree whether the member of staff is potentially eligible to move up the pay scale. If the member of staff wants to move up the pay scale they need to submit a letter of application to the Chair of Trustees. The Principal will make recommendations to the trustees at meetings during the Autumn Term as to whether a member of staff should or should not move up the pay scale.
The Principal is responsible for reporting back the performance management process to trustees. The main report to trustees takes place at the end of the Autumn Term at End of Term Strategic Trustees' Meeting.