One of the areas of expectations of trustees is their termly attendance at Board of Trustee meetings. Post Covid, we have arranged that all meetings are hybrid in nature. We do expect all governors to attend the meetings they are required to. The preference is to attend face to face, but if there are issues related to attendance, there is the option to attend virtually via Microsoft Teams. All trustees attend the Full Board of Trustees' Meeting and the End of Term Strategic Board of Trustees' Meeting. Trustees are either expected to attend the Pupil Progress or Resources, Risk and Audit Committees. Each term, there are four different meetings Trustee meetings:
1. Full Board of Trustees' Meeting - This takes place in the first half-term of every term and lasts between 1 1/2 and 2 hours. This meeting focuses on the business and safeguarding matters of the Board of Trustees. All trustees are expected to attend this meeting.
2. Pupil Progress Committee - This takes place once per term and lasts between 1 and 1 1/2 hours. The main focus of these meetings is to receive end of term performance data from the previous term, current predictions for external test data and curriculum progress.
3. Resources, Risk and Audit Committee - This takes place once per term and lasts between 1 and 1 and 1/2 hours. The main areas of focus for these meetings are to receive the current budget position, oversee the three year budget, the annual budget, receive reports on health and safety, receive reports on the premises and regularly analyse the risks to the Trust.
4. End of Term Strategic Board of Trustees' Meeting - This takes place once per term and is held towards the end fo every term. This meeting last between 1 and 1/2 and 2 hours. The focus of the meeting relates to the vision and strategic direction of the trust.