If you would like your child to attend our Academy, please contact the Local Authority Admissions Department for North East Lincolnshire via the link below.
If the number of applications for places at our Academy is higher than the admission number set for that year group the following factors are taken into account, in priority order, to decide which children will be given places.
After the admission of pupils with statements of special educational needs/Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) where Scartho Junior Academy is named in Part 4 of the statement/recorded in the plan, we will use the following factors, in priority order, to decide which pupils will be given places.
1.Looked after children (children in public care) or a child who was previously looked after.
2.Children who, at the time of application, are on roll in Year 2 at Scartho Infants School.
3.Having brothers or sisters who are already at the academy when your child is due to start there.
4.Living in the catchment area.
5.Geographical. We will give priority to those living nearest to the Academy (if there is more than one route, the distance measured is the shortest available safe route for pedestrians), from the front door of the child’s home address (including flats) to the main entrance of the academy, using the local authority’s computerised measuring system.
Criteria 5 is also used as a tie-breaker. Whenever two people have the same priority based on criteria 3 or 4 then the child who lives closest to the academy will be given the higher priority.
Click on the link below to take you to our 'Admissions Policy'.